June 23, 2010

It's all in the Denim

If you love your denim and can’t imagine life without a pair of jeans, then a pair of raw denim jeans is the one fashion item you simply have to own. Denim which had very humble beginnings has today evolved into a piece of clothing that can be found even in a baby’s wardrobe. Denim was traditionally dyed in a blue shade for years till manufacturers began to experiment with different dyes, cuts and patterns. The denim jeans that are available off the shelves are also known as ‘washed jeans’- a term which simply means that after the denim has been dipped in dye, it is then washed during the production stage. This helps to make the fabric softer when worn against the skin and is believed to reduce shrinkage which could affect the fit.

On the other hand, raw denim refers to fabric that skips the process of washing and treatment with chemicals which allows the fabric to lose its color naturally over a period of time. Therein lies its unique quality. Faded jeans have since long been an integral part of Streetwear, and can make an ensemble look rad. Raw denim eventually achieves a natural faded look which is much more appealing when compared to distressed denim that has been produced in a factory. Moreover, every pair of raw denim is different and each pair takes on a unique faded look depending entirely on how much the jeans is worn by the person.

So how do you pick out a pair that makes you sizzle? If you are purchasing your first pair of raw denim jeans, then the first thing you should keep in mind is to buy a pair that fits you like a second pair of skin. Wearing raw denim for the first time can feel really uncomfortable and stiff but over time the fabric will stretch and give you a really good fit. However how fast that happens depends on how long you wear the jeans. So it’s important to try on a pair before buying it and avoid making any hasty purchases based on your usual jeans size. If you’re in the habit of lending your jeans to friends, then this is one pair you can be selfish about considering that everybody has a different body shape. Fashion experts advise against washing your raw denim jeans for a minimum of 6 months. The reason they state is that it takes some time for the jeans to adapt to your body shape and washing the jeans could hamper the process. Instead, look at dry cleaning options if you absolutely must get them cleaned and rid of any stains or odor. Another option could be to rinse your jeans in fresh water without salt and then let them dry out in the sun on their own.

If you like a skinny or body hugging fit and have a great body to show off, then look hep anytime in raw denim. This is one look that is just yours no matter how you wear it.

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